The Nanyang Artists and their Colour Palette

Through the examples of the selected artworks by the Nanyang artists, this thesis will be looking at how various elements such as human’s eye perception, geographical location, influences from the European Art Movements and former art education by the individual artists affect the colour choices of the artists. The Nanyang artists are mostly made up of Chinese artists who received art training in Shanghai or Paris, many who are heavily influenced by the Post-impressionists. Since the publishing of Newton’s Opticks in 1704, many colour systems such as the Munsell Colour, Ostwald Colour System have been derived and widely used by various groups of artists. Understanding the artist's’ intention and the colour palette of the Nanyang artists will provide insight to the Nanyang Art Style in the 1940-60s through the lens of Colour Theory.

It seems very important that I will need to pick and explain a time frame that I am going to work on. Eg 1940-60s, 1930s the Nanyang artists start to immigrate to Singapore and settle down. By the time in 1940-60s it is the flourish period? Also, define who are the Nanyang Artists. Southsea, Chinese Immigrants, received prior art training from Shanghai/Paris, affiliation with NAFA(taught or learnt under) etc. Do all of them make sense and still relevant? How about the self taught artists? Pick the points and explain and fight!


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