Parameters in the study of Colour Theory

Over the past 1.5 months in school, I had many small talks and discussions with my peers and professors regarding my area of research interest-- Colour Theory. I came to realisation that in the study of colour theory, it is very important to define the framework and parameters. "Are you going to discuss on how our eyes see colours?""Will you be talking about why we feel certain emotions when we see certain colours?" Nope, the paper will not be focusing on how human eyes perceive colours, or on the receptions or psychological emotions of the recipients. It will be about the intention of the use of colours, specifically on the fine artists and their paintings.  It is also critical to highlight the assumptions that were made on the conditions of viewing of colours(footnote: isolated colour viewing, eye brightness sensitivity and CIE Systems). Different ethnic group, gender or physical conditions do contribute to differences in colour viewing, which is something that the paper will not be covering. I will also like to give an overview of the history of Colour Theory which started in the 19th Century, such as Newton's law and Goethe's Theory. It will also be helpful to define that many times, in this paper, artists and painters are used interchangeably. Many times artist refers to specifically painter, and artworks refers to painting.

In the paper, I will like to discuss on various colour systems that are commonly applied by artists, specifically on paintings. Namely, The Munsell Colour System, The Ostwald Colour System, and OSA Colour Space. I will like to find out why some artists chose certain colours for their paintings, and other artists used a totally different colour palette? Were they affected by the trend of the art movements in their respective society? Did their geographic location and culture preference determine their taste in colours? Or did the availability of paints and pigments limit their choices?

Lastly, I will like to use existing artworks as case studies. With an image based colour software(footnote: developed with prof NWL and his students) that analyses the pixel values and gives an accurate spectrum of colours that were used in the specific painting.


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